So the other day I was watching The Hunchback of Notre Dame from Disney and when Esmerelda came out I just thought, hey gypsies are freakin awesome except for the fact they steal your money, but they have a cool style. So I looked around the internet and found a couple cool pics. I will probably try to make something inpired off these and ill post a tutorial.
Anyway, check these out:
Head bands, beads, lots of colors, lots of patterns, and crazy hairpieces. Gypsies are soo cool!
Oh right so i hope this inspires you, if you make anything gypsy inspired i would love to see a pic. Just comment with the link! thanks!
The second pic down from Esmerelda is American Tribal Style Bellydancers. They do pic out a few things in their wardrobe for their performances that seem gypsy, but most of their gear is from all over the middle east.
If you want ideas, want to know where to get patterns, or have questions regarding ATS clothes, Ive been making my own gear (cause i am a dancer) for about 2 years now....feel free to ask
Thats awesome! I love their use of color. I was just surfin around google for gypsies and this came up but im glad that i know. I will most likely come up with a couple questions.
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