There is only so much you can do on a rainy day. Crafts are always open but im feeling kinda lazy right now so i went and did some internet surfing. Im finding tons of inspiration and thought you would like to see what ive found.

On there are sooo many pictures to get inspiration off of. If you couldnt tell, I love the artistic indie bohemian look, and this picture fits the indie catagorie.
I was just looking up random things on google, and I came across this amazing blog called The Urban Hippie. Its filled with amazing photography and so much interesting art. I pretty much want to live the life that she has.
A while ago I saw a preview for an independent film and I had this feeling of Oh, someone else out there knows what I feel too. And that was only after watching the preview. Anyway I saw that it was available ondemand so I freaked out and decided that im going to watch it this week.
Check out the preview at:

One thing that i will always love are dreamcatchers. They are so...amazing. They always look to elegant and fascinating. I saw this in my friends car and i had to take a picture of it.
Music: Backfire- Mutemath. The video is soorandom and wild and i love it. I love how different it sounds and the idea of the lyrics.
Thats what i found so far. Next time i see something interesting ill post it. AND if you have any inspiring music or pictures or something put the link in a comment so i can check it out.